Laser cutting is designed to concentrate high amounts of energy into a small, well-defined spot. Typically the laser cutting beam is approximately .004 - .012 of an inch in diameter when using CO2 lasers. The resulting heat energy created by the LASER melts, or vaporizes materials in this small-defined area and a gas such as oxygen, or nitrogen are used to blow the vaporized material out of the kerf. The beam's energy is applied directly where it is needed, minimizing the heat affected zone surrounding the area being cut. Laser cutting is a very cost effective process with maximum flexibility. This method of cutting has been used by Brydenscot for more than 20 years. It is technology that we still wonder how we made anything without it! We currently are running two Trumpf flat bed (2D) laser machines (CO2 and Fiber). Both have a working area of 60" x 120". Contact us for information on cutting capabilities.